Vision & Values

 To Glorify and Enjoy God as He Expands His Kingdom

Vision:     To equip and deploy followers of Christ for the benefit of family, community and global transformation.  To draw people up to

Christ, and out for the world - Matthew 28:18-20


     1. Grace Driven

  • Resting in God’s love for us as we extend this love toward others
  • Emphasizing grace as the good news of God’s unconditional love and transforming power and the primary message of the church for all people.
  • Luke 18:9-14. Transforming grace means we see ourselves as undeserving, needing the same salvation as everyone else.

     2. Kingdom Orientated

  • Following the way of Jesus in every area of life.
  • Believing that God’s purpose is the gathering of his people from every nation and the renewal of all things through sharing the Gospel and expressing Christ’s lordship in every area of life.
  • Matthew 13:31-33. The spread of God's kingdom is an organic and exponential process

     3. Radically Relational

  • We love others through an authentic community.
  • We strive to be a place of strength and restoration; a community where we can be honest about our brokenness as we call one another to the hope that is promised in Christ.
  • Inviting
  • Transparency
  • Hospitality
  • l John 1:5-10. Truly transparent people are honest about the fact that they are sinners who need to continually repent and receive forgiveness