Just as the people of God worship the name of Christ together on Sunday morning, we also live under the banner of Christ together throughout the week. Community Groups are a high priority at All Saints. We want everyone to belong to one. They are a place for spiritual and personal growth, a means of integrating those who are new to our community, and a place to use our gifts for one another.

It is impossible to be a Christian on our own. As one writer put it, "As for wise counsel, a warm hug, or a swift kick in the rear, those are rather hard to self-administer." We need each other! For more information, please contact our Community Group Ministry Leader, Kevin Heer


Genuine relationships are harder to come by, and as a result, more vital than ever before. One of our values is to be radically relational. A wise counselor defined his role quite simply: “A counselor is a paid friend.” He wasn’t happy about it.  It was a reflection on how hard it is to find a good friend. Real friendship may be the most important ministry the church can offer. Jesus calls himself “a friend of sinners.”

A friend, first and foremost, listens in order to know you. A friend seeks to understand you on a deeper level – to understand your context, your background, your strengths and weaknesses, and help you see your own blindspots in order to grow. A friend enables you to slow down and see better, both the big picture and yourself. Most importantly, a friend helps you know the one friend who will never let you down – Jesus.

Appointed Counselors of All Saints work to close the friendship gap, providing a relational depth that our world is often too busy for. If this is something you’re interested in, reach out to our office manager for more information at

Meet our Counselors


We have Sunday School for grades K-5 before community worship time.  We meet 9:45-10:45 to teach our children a grace driven gospel message.  Please contact directors @ for more information. 

Instructions for KidCheck account: (Kidcheck Form)


We support missionary partners in this country and around the world. We also have short-term missions trips and an annual Missions Conference. For more information, contact our Missions Committee Chairman.



In times of crisis and need, we demonstrate our love and support for one another by preparing and delivering meals. Please reach out to our Meals Coordinator, Carly Moore, for more information on how you can support and receive blessing from our meals ministry. Carly may be reached

all saints ladies

Ladies, Books, Food & Fellowship meets the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7 pm at Janet Bean’s house January - October. Please contact

Janet - 208-392-0899 or email at for more information.